
Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Blog holiday

 Dear faithful readers

I felt that I owed you just a quick  post to explain my recent absence from the wonderful pages of this blog.  I'm taking a little blog holiday to devote myself to other parts of my life. Currently, these are 1.  my scholarly book on visual narrative in nineteenth-century European painting (which I hope to have ready for publication in the summer of 2014); and 2.  nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) which is consuming my spare hours this November (you write 50,000 of the first draft of a novel in one month - that's 1667 words a day).

Thank you for your patience!  I miss you, and I miss my blog but it's not going anywhere and will still be here when I'm ready to join the arty fray again.  Happy art discovering!

Have some autumnal pictures.  :-)

See you all around very soon.

Cambridge in autumn:  Bridge over the river Cam.  Sticky Beaks, Hobson St. Urban view.  Cherry Hinton Park. Jesus Green.


  1. Thank you - I was wondering and missing you. Fantastic about both books, no wonder you're a bit busy...

    1. I know, it was your question that made me think I should probably post some sort of explanation...! It's so lovely to know that you were wondering!
